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Auto Glass Reviews

Auto Glass Quotez Reviews & Review Badge Q & A

  • Write & Read review of local companies by visiting our auto glass company directory page. Simply find your companies corporate page and/or local shops page and read and write reviews using your facebook login, the most secure review system on the web!
  • What is the Review Badge? A badge to be placed on your website that will give your visitors instant trust and confidence in your business. Almost like the BBB, but FREE and specifically for Auto Glass Companies complete with Facebook login and enhanced monitoring by the AGQZ team.

Review Badge Example

  • How much does it cost? NOTHING!

  • Why don't you charge for using the Review Badge? The review badge is a courtesy we offer to all auto glass companies that are part of our network. We were tired of bogus and paid reviews found on other sites that can harm innocent businesses. So, we decided to create a completely free way for auto glass shops to gain instant online trust with their customers. If you like us we hope you will choose a paid premium package so that we can help you grow your business!

  • Why do reviews matter? With the online world transforming to a more social experience, online reviews are becoming a HUGE part of decision making for consumers. Real, honest reviews provide new visitors with a comfort and trust feeling which allows them to make their next purchase with confidence.

  • Why use the Review Badge? The Review Badge goes on YOUR website where YOUR CUSTOMERS will see it. The Review Badge is tied to your profile page on Auto Glass Quotez and each new review and change in your star rating is INSTANTLY reflected on your badge! This Badge is specifically designed for auto glass companies and allow customers to see your average star rating and number of reviews in real time. It also serves as a quick link to your profile page where customers can see the detailed reviews and leave a review of their own for your business. Also, your new Review Badge uses customer's Facebook login to securely check the validity and credentials of each reviewer ensuring maximum security against bogus reviews. With the Facebook login there isn't the need to "setup" another account or validate by email, if your logged in to facebook already you are just a couple clicks away!

  • Where do I sign up and get the review badge? Click Here or the "Add Your Shop" link at the top of the page.

  • When should I start using the review badge? Today!

  • Where should I put the review badge? At the top of every page of your website, or just at the top of your Home Page.

  • How do I install the review badge? Just add a bit of code to your site. Ask your webmaster to do it for you, or get free technical support from AGQZ.

  • Who can help me install it? We can provide free technical support during business hours @888.478.6839>

  • How do I leave a review? Using your facebook login information go to the Shops profile page on and click the "fb connect to write a review" button on the middle right side of the screen.

  • Who can leave a review? Anyone with a facebook account.

  • Who monitors the reviews? The Auto Glass Shops themselves and our team here at AGQZ.

  • When will the reviews be visible? As soon as they have been validated by the AGQZ team. Usually within moments.

  • What if my competitors write bogus reviews about my company? Contact technical support at 888.478.6839.

  • How do I get a bad review removed? After attempting to get the user to change it themselves (by doing your best to resolve the complaint) contact technical support at 888.478.6839.
